Fly of the Month March 2018
Monahan’s Mangum Dragon Fly
Hook: Gamakatsu B10S size #1/0 or hook of choice.
Tying thread: Flat waxed tying thread or heavy tying thread of choice. Color to match dragon tail.
Tail: Mangum dragon Tail. This is an Orvis product now carried by numerous fly shops.
Foul Guard: 50lb. test mono.
Body: Cross Cut rabbit strip.
Collar: ‘Bait Fish Emulator’ flash.
Head: Fish Skull Mask #7 with 7 mm eyes.
Adhesive: Tip of tail should be treated with super glue, ‘fusion glue’ or adhesive of choice. It is also needed to glue the ‘mask’ to the fly.
You want a big fish fly that’s easy to tie. Well this is it. I first started using this fly last fall. I only fished it in white but will be trying additional colors this spring.
It’s easy to tie & cast. I’m calling this fly the ‘Monahan Magnum Dragon’. The recipe and tying instructions are based upon my friend Fred Monahan’s submission. Fred is an HFFA member who is also very active in Cape Cod Trout Unlimited. I know he is really looking forward to using this fly on the Cape.
Begin by winding a layer of thread from the eye of the hook to the hook bend. Next take a length of mono and crimp the ends flat. You are going to tie it in at the hook bend to create a horizontal foul guard. It should extend approximately 1 ½” from the hook bend. After tying it in you might want to use an adhesive of choice for durability. Next tie in your mangum dragon tail starting at the bend of the hook. You can shorten the tail by simply clipping it if you like. The species I’m going after with this fly are stripers. I see no need to shorten the tail for them. Some do use this fly for other species such as fresh water bass and you may want to reduce the length of the fly. Also, for durability apply some super glue or fusion to the very tip of the tail. I have had an issue of the tail materials unraveling with heavy use. You also have the option of applying a drop of super glue to the end of your foul guard and gluing the tail to it. With your tail tied in near the bend attach your rabbit strip and give it a few wraps forward to create the body. Tie and clip it off. Now tie in your collar of ‘Bait Fish Emulator’ flash. Give that a couple of wraps. Tie & clip it off. Your next step is to build up a fly head so that the fish mask will fit snugly onto the hook. I usually take a few test mountings prior to affixing the Fish Mask. Once you’re sure that it will fit properly, apply some fusion glue or adhesive of choice to the fly head. Slip on your Skull Mask. Use your thread to make a couple of wraps in front of the Mask. Tie off your thread. Apply an adhesive to those wraps as well. Apply your eyes to the Fish Mask. Glue them in with adhesive, epoxy, or UV resin.
You can see what great action this fly has in the water in the video below:
If you have any questions about this fly or would like to submit a Fly of the Month I can be reached at 203 305-3850 or .