Fly of the Month April 2018

April 2018

Paul’s Everything Hare’s Ear Nymph


Hook:  TMC 102Y Size #13 hook.  This is a black hook in ‘off’ sizes.  Or just use any preferred nymph hook.
Tying thread:  Black or brown thread.  Collar hot spot of fluorescent orange thread.
Bead:  Tungsten 3.0 mm copper bead.
Weight:  Optional.
Tail:  Barred Wood Duck or dyed Mallard flank feathers.
Rib:  Red ultra wire ‘Brassie Size’.
Abdomen:  70% Hare’s Ear (sheared from mask), mixed with 10% gray squirrel, mixed with 10% Hare’s Ear Antron dubbing, and mixed with 10% assorted Ice Bub/Prism Dubbing (browns, tan, gray, olive-brown).  This blend was developed by Torrey Collins. I first posted it for tying Torrey’s Bead Head Hares Ear Caddis (found elsewhere on this blog).
Thorax:  Tan Ice Dub.
Collar:  2-3 wraps of Dun CDC feather.
Hot Spot:  Fluorescent Orange thread.
I’ve said this a lot lately for recent ‘Fly of the Month’ patterns, “there is nothing original about this fly”.  I’ve stolen, borrowed, and copied the components of this fly from patterns.  I’ve tweaked and used alternative ingredients that differ from a traditional Hare’s Ear.  What led me to these changes?  Quite honestly, I never did all that well fishing a traditional Hare’s Ear Nymph.  I started fishing this pattern last year and now it’s an indispensible fly in my box.
Begin by placing your copper tungsten bead on your hook.  Add 5-6 wraps of lead behind the bead if you so desire.  Start your thread behind the bead, cover you lead wraps and hook shank to the bend.  Tie in your wood duck or mallard fibers for your tail. They should extend approximately the length of the hook shank beyond the bend.  Next, tie in your red wire rib.  Dub the abdomen leaving approximately 1/3 of the hook shank behind the bead.  You will need this remaining area for your thorax, collar, & hot spot.  Next, rib the abdomen with your red wire.  Tie and clip it off.  Dub your thorax with Tan Ice Dubbing.  Behind the bead tie in a Dun CDC feather by the tip.  Give it two wraps around the hook shank then tie it off and clip the butt end. Assuming you are tying this fly with black or brown thread, tie & clip it off.  Now affix your Fluorescent Orange Thread behind the bead, forming a ‘hot spot’ behind the bead.  Tie & clip off the thread.  Apply some head cement to your orange hot spot.
If you have any questions about this fly or would like to submit a Fly of the Month I can be reached at 203 305-3850 or .